I would like to extend a warm welcome to the Primary Department. ย At KIS we are proud to be able to offer a truly multicultural environment where children are happy and enjoy coming to school each day!

Our team of dedicated Primary staff work hard to provide a curriculum that is fun and relevant to the many different backgrounds of our students. Our curriculum is taught through the English National Curriculum Objectives and, where possible, uses the cross curricular teaching of topics centered here in Sabah and the wider world.

All of our classrooms are well-resourced and stimulating. Each class has an interactive whiteboard and a dedicated reading area, and all classes are supported by a Teaching and Learning Assistant. The Primary School also has a team of โ€˜English as an Additional Languageโ€™ teachers who can support children in the process of learning English and in accessing their lessons across the curriculum.


We uphold high standards in relation to academic attainment but also recognise the importance of sports, creativity and the Arts in developing confident and well-rounded learners.ย  We actively support the social and emotional development of our students; we have high expectations in relation to pupil conduct and foster an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. We work hard to give all our students the foundations that they will need to become successful global citizens.


Key Stage One caters for children from 5 to 7 years old. Teachers plan a broad and balanced curriculum centered predominantly around our locality and children have opportunities to work independently and in groups during carefully differentiated lessons. Educational excursions also form an important part of the curriculum and feature regularly throughout the school year.




As children progress to Key Stage Two, they have a developing sense of independence and responsibility. This final phase in the Primary Department makes provision for children aged 7 to 11. ย Teachers use a range of methodologies to ensure the needs of each child are met. In addition to their curriculum work, children in Key Stage Two learn a range of independent study skills that prepare them for Secondary Education and for their future as life-long learners.



Parents are an integral part of the community at KIS. We routinely offer information sessions and formal Primary Learning Conferences to ensure that parents are well-informed and have the tools to support their childโ€™s learning at home. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher if they have any links with local organisations that could enhance our curriculum.


If you would like to know more about the Primary School, ย you are very welcome to make an appointment to visit us by contacting admissions@kis.edu.my


Mark Beresford

Head of Primary